We all here about this $100 million lawsuit between Magnus and Hans Neimann but what really happened , Details Inside 👇
Sunday was the biggest day in chess in a very long time and what happened shocked the world and the Caro Khan explained in plain jane English + chess puzzles , Details Inside 👇
These are the 3 most played chess gambits and how to beat them easily + The Chess.com Diamond Subscription Winner, Details Inside 👇
These are the 3 sacred tips that got me from 200 elo to 1000 elo in under 3 weeks, and I'm giving them out for free 🎁 + Chess.com 3-month diamond subscription update, Details Inside 👇
I found the 3 best Chess principles great GMs recommend using while you are playing chess and put them into one email + Chess.com diamond subscription giveaway puzzle, Details Inside 👇
This may be the best chess tactic that everyone needs to know + the Italian Game Opening explained, Details Inside 👇
Chess is absolutely booming and here is why + The Greek Gift chess tactic explained and chess puzzles, Details Inside 👇
This is the best chess opening for beginners well at least that is what some of the best chess player say + the fork tactic explained and chess puzzles, Details Inside 👇
This may be the most underrated chess tactic that people must learn + weekly puzzles to increase your elo, Details Inside 👇
This just in these 8 chess GMs just qualified for the chess Olympics + The Dutch Defense explained, and chess puzzles. Details inside 👇